Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Closed Case!

I was at shopping at a thrift store with Jon this weekend, when I came upon a couple of treasures. The first was this awesome old filing cabinet. The tags on the drawers say: Closed Cases, ID's & Information, & Microfilms. We both loved it and at the price of $9.99 I decided to take it home!

The second treasure is something I have stumbled upon before, which was loads of items from Target or other department stores that are brand new and donated because they have been returned or were discontinued. I came upon this early in the summer and bought six dresses in one go, which all still had the store tags on them and were priced better than at the original store. Amazing! Even more amazing is the fact that my mom who will not go in a thrift store (because they stink), became intrigued when she saw my finds last time. I called her up and told her that the new Goodwill in town had a lot of new dresses again. I found and bought a dress, a shirt, and a cardigan. But, what was more awesome was, not even 15 minutes later Mom and Dad came rolling into the store! They barely said hello, I pointed my mom in the direction of the clothing racks and Dad to where Jon found a saw. They took off as fast as they came in. But, they did take my filing cabinet home (which fit into their car much easier than mine) and my mom bought a new dress and pair of shoes and is no longer opposed to going to a thrift store. Successful on many points, I think this should be filed into Closed Cases!

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