Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 40: It's hard waiting!

Today was my due date, lets not cheer yet, because today is almost over and the baby is not here! Statistically there was only a 5% chance I would have had the baby today, but for the last week and a half I have been hoping everyday would be the day, but no such luck!

I don't know if we are "ready" to have this baby or not, there seems to be things that come up everyday that make us not ready, like the car isn't working or we would like to finish this or that before it comes. Ready or not we are excited to meet this little person! I am personally excited to be done with being pregnant for awhile! My feet and hands are swollen most of the time, and I think my face is too, my hips and back hurt, especially at night. I feel tired and miserable most days, mostly from not sleeping well at night. I look like a turtle stuck on it's back while trying to get in a comfortable position or out of bed. It's really not a pretty sight, but it makes us laugh!

I have been having warm-up contractions throughout the night and sometimes day that don't go anywhere and stop after awhile. It's frustrating, because they are like a false alarm that goes off and I have no idea if it's really happening or not. Having warm-up contractions has helped spur me on towards readiness! When the contractions end, I get to work. The other night I cleaned the bathroom, moped the floors, did laundry, cleaned out the fridge, did the dishes, repacked the bags, all in the matter of a couple of hours. Jon ever so kindly asked if I was experiencing a sudden burst of energy as he read from our birthing book on signs of labor beginning! He has learned as I have to not be alarmed by these contractions, but to be watchful of their progression!

I know the baby will be here soon. I know the lack of sleep it's is good prep for when it does come. I know we will be thankful for this time of preparation. So, in the meantime I am taking a lot of naps, using warm rice packs to sooth the aches, and Calms Forte to help get sleep. Jon and I are trying to take dates when we can and enjoy this time we have together alone! It's just hard waiting and not knowing what the next few weeks will hold for us. More to come soon!

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