Monday, March 07, 2011

Pregnancy Cravings

Last night I really wanted a white cherry slushy from Target. Their eatery was closed and I missed my cold sweet goodness! The craving continued today, so I went to 7-11 and got a Slurpee on the way home from Trader Joe's. The thought of going to Target made me tired and the 7-11 was on route to our house. I was satisfied, yet feeling a little insecure walking out of the store with my big Slurpee on a cloudy and cool Seattle day, but it tasted good and now I can move on!

Pregnancy Cravings are weird and hard to ignore. I have craved many different things on and off over the last seven and a half months. Here is what has been on the list:

1. Root-beer shakes from specifically Zippy's Giant Hamburgers (they are the best)!
2. Cinnamon Rolls specifically Alki Bakery (they are not open on the weekend, which causes panic)!
3. White Cherry Slushy, Slurpee, or Kiwi-Strawberry Arctic Rushes from Dairy Queen
4. Pumpkin bread, banana bread, or blueberry muffins
5. Breakfast Sandwiches mainly from Starbuck's or from home.
6. Clementine's. Oranges, or Orange juice.
7. Bagels and cream cheese or Toast with butter and raspberry jam.
8. Molasses or Snicker Doodle cookies.
9. Sushi, I have found fully cooked and have been enjoying it this last month.
10. Cheese, tomato, and pickle sandwiches.
11. Irish Breakfast tea or London Fogs.
12. Ice Cream.
13. Waffles and pancakes.
14. Smoothies.
14. Apple juice and Gatorade.
15. Margarita, but I am still waiting to have one... 10 more weeks!  

This was the special dinner Jon made me for Valentine's Day. He said "It's a Waffle Monster for my Waffle Monster!" It was during the middle of my waffle craving phase and it was perfect, romantic, and still makes me smile! I love my husband!

What did/do you crave?

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